VB RezQ is dedicated software for the Visual Basic platform, and is capable of rewriting a program by recreating source files from the data encapsulated within the compiled file. The application can provide an accurate framework on which the user can easily rebuild the VB application and it can identify all the source files, and recover the project file, references to custom controls and declarations for API calls as well as the graphical design of each form.
Its key features include cent percent recovery for TabbedDialog custom control, all properties and events for 27 commonly used custom controls, and the application comes with an integrated display of all recovered files. The program works perfectly fine with all 32-bit versions of Visual Basic; VB4/32, VB5 and VB6 as well as all the VB file types such as .exe, .ocx, .dll –p –code and the native source code.
VB RezQ actually recreates a complete project file set ready to open in the VB IDE, and comes with fully supported custom controls, including Common Dialog (COMDLG32.OCX), ProgressBar, Slider, StatusBar, ImageCombo, ImageList, ListView, Toolbar and TreeView (MSCOMCTL.OCX), TabStrip, AniPushButton (ANIBTN32.OCX), AutoFill (AUTOFILL.DLL),
DBList and DBCombo (DBLIST32.OCX), DBGrid (DBGRID32.OCX), Inet (MSINET.OCX), MSChart (MSCHART.OCX & MSCHART20.OCX versions), MaskEdBox (MSMASK32.OCX), MSComm (MSCOMM32.OCX), PictureClip (PICCLP32.OCX), MSFlexGrid (MSFLXGRD.OCX), RichText (RICHTX32.OCX), SysInfo (SYSINFO.OCX), SpinButton (SPIN32.OCX), Winsock (MSWINSCK.OCX), TabbedDialog (TABCTL32.OCX), as well as other functionalities.